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Hey dudes.

I've been thinking a lot about this for a long time, and it wasn't easy to make this decision. But, I decided to unlaunch my Patreon page. I know this is crazy, but after meditating about this, I realized that I think I need a break from this page.

I've been through a lot of things that really affected my mental health in the past months and I don’t think I can keep up this thing, not in my current state. I need time to work out this problem before I can move on. Tonight (Caracas time-zone), I will unlaunch my page.

I'm sorry to disappoint you all with this decision. I hope you understand.

However, I will keep working on and making art and post them on my other social media sites such as Twitter, Instagram, Pixiv, Deviant Art, and my own website's blog for my own sanity. For now, this place will be paused indefinitely until further notice.

Thank you all who supported me for all these years, I'm very grateful for your support and your kind comments.

Until next time. Take care.



I understand, but are you willing to take commissions again?

Brother Tico

Hello, Todd. as for your question, I don't know. It's too soon to answer this question. Whether I will open commissions this year or not, I don't know

Alan Snow

You do what you have to do my friend, one step at a time, is it possible to see your old work somewhere like ur comics?

Brother Tico

Hello Alan. Well, you know where to find all my art. My sites are: deviantArt, Pixiv (my adult comics are there), and Hentai-Foundry (my account is BT-PervMode-On in that site).

Alan Snow

Would Pixiv also include the old QuickStrike comics too?