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All his friends told him to give up his obsession with finding out 'the secret' of the colleges football team. That he was starting to get a bit creepy, and not the least a little crazy looking. But no, he KNEW there had to be something up with their weird midnight meetings and the way some players would just stand around under the moonlight for hours like they'd forgotten something.

       Oh, how much he wishes he had just been crazy. That he'd listened, seen a therapist and had a drink with his friends. They may never know what happened to him, and now his zombified shell will make sure no one ever will.


Happy Halloweener!! A Wolfscot treat for your frightened days~ A heightened (and 'gifted') version of the coil zombies making sure that nobody finds out about the Coil and lives to tell the tale. Sometimes, it's better to never know.

Full Resolution in the google drive!!



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