Saul y el Abuelo/Grandpa 2 pt Final (Patreon)
Marcos despertó a la mañana siguiente, adolorido y cansado, miro a su alrededor, se encontraba solo, se levantó algo asustado, sus piernitas le temblaban fatigadas, apenas dio unos pasos hacia afuera cuando escucho jadeos provenir de la tienda de Saul.
"ya... ya abuelo, ya" jadeaba su amigo, Marcos se acercó y asomo su cabeza, solo para ver al abuelo de Saul sentado con Saul anudado, mientras este estaba recostado jalándose su pequeño pene.
"Buenos días" dijo Marcos aun temblando.
"Buenos días" respondió el abuelo mientras con su mano le hacia la seña al chico para que se acercara, "ven ven hijo", decía alegre el anciano.
Marcos se acercó tambaleándose hasta el abuelo.
"Bien quiero que hagas lo que está haciendo Saulito, si ves" dijo señalando al chico que continuaba jalando su pene.
Marcos asintió y comenzó a jalar su pene también.
"Bien no dejes de hacerlo" le dijo mientras lo recostaba boca abajo sobre el estómago del viejo, para después comenzar a empujar su mano contra el culo de Marcos.
Marcos jadeaba y gemía, mientras sentía como el viejo empujaba más y más su puño contra él, hasta que al final logro entrar este dentro.
"AGH!" chillo Marcos, mientras sentía la mano del viejo abrirse y cerrarse dentro de él, le estaba haciendo lo mismo que le hizo a Saul la noche anterior.
"buen chico" murmuro el abuelo acariciando la espalda del osezno, el cual continúo jalando su pene y abriendo las piernas para que el viejo se divirtiera con él.
durante el día solo salieron un par de veces de la tienda para comer, el resto el viejo intercambiaba nudo y puño entre los chicos, hasta que estos terminaron acostumbrados y sentían placer cada vez que el abuelo los follaba.
Y así los sorprendió la mañana de un nuevo día, era hora de regresar a casa, ninguno de los tres quería irse, pero había que hacerlo o sus padres se molestarían con el anciano.
"Espero que la próxima semana puedas acompañarnos Marquitos" dijo el viejo poniéndose el cinturón, mientras los chicos jugaban en los asientos traseros.
"Oh el próximo fin de semana no puedo señor" respondió Marcos alegremente.
"Ah, y eso?, te aburriste?" dijo el viejo mientras arrancaba la camioneta.
"Para nada, es solo que tenemos reunión con el líder Ben la próxima semana" respondió Marcos.
"El líder Ben?, el dueño del viejo campamento?" pregunto el abuelo mirando por el retrovisor.
"SIP" respondió Marcos.
Hubo un momento de silencio en la caravan.
"Oye Marcos, cuando te penetre la primera vez fue muy fácil, dime será acaso que alguien más te había o te está cogiendo?" pregunto el viejo.
Marcos se quedó callado, nervioso solo frotaba sus manos.
"Acaso tu papi te coge hijo?" pregunto el viejo.
"No, no, el no" respondió Marcos inmediatamente.
"Entonces Ben" respondió sonriendo el anciano.
Marcos solo asintió apenado.
"hahaha" rio el anciano, "ese cabron hipócrita" dijo el viejo para seguir manejando.
Ya en casa y cuando Marcos estaba despidiéndose de Saul, el viejo se acercó y froto la cabeza del osito.
"Cuando veas a Ben, dile que le manda muchos saludos el Líder Mike, que espera verlo muy pronto" dijo para después darle una sonrisa e irse.
Marcos se despidió agitando su mano y sintiendo un poco de amargura, pues estaría muchos días sin sentir su enormidad, suspiro, miro su casa y sonrió nuevamente.
"Ahí hay una verga igual de grande y gruesa" pensó para después echarse a correr devuelta a casa.
Marcos woke up the next morning, sore and tired, he looked around, he was alone, he got up a little scared, his little legs were shaking with fatigue, he barely took a few steps out when he heard gasping coming from Saul's tent.
"Now... now grandpa, now" his friend gasped, Marcos approached and stuck his head out, only to see Saul's grandfather sitting with Saul knotted, while he was lying down pulling his small penis.
"Good morning," Marcos said, still shaking.
"Good morning," replied the grandfather while with his hand he motioned for the boy to come closer, "come, come, son," the old man said happily.
Marcos staggered towards his grandfather.
"Well, I want you to do what Saulito is doing if you see," he said, pointing to the boy who continued pulling his penis.
Marcos nodded and began to pull his penis too.
"Well, don't stop doing it," he told him as he laid him face down on the old man's stomach, and then began to push his hand against Marcos's ass.
Marcos was panting and moaning, while he felt how the old man pushed his fist against him more and more until he finally managed to enter it inside.
"AGH!" Marcos screamed, as he felt the old man's hand open and close inside him, he was doing the same thing to him that he did to Saul the night before.
"Good boy," the grandfather murmured, caressing the bear cub's back, which continued pulling his penis and opening its legs so that the old man could have fun with it.
During the day they only left the store a couple of times to eat, the rest of the old men exchanged knots and fists with the boys until they got used to it and felt pleasure every time the grandfather fucked them.
And so the morning of a new day surprised them, it was time to return home, none of the three wanted to leave, but it had to be done or their parents would get upset with the old man.
"I hope you can join us next week, Marquitos," said the old man, putting on his seatbelt, while the boys played in the back seats.
"Oh, next weekend I can't sir" Marcos responded happily.
"Oh, and that? Are you bored?" The old man said as he started the truck.
"Not at all, it's just that we have a meeting with leader Ben next week" Marcos responded.
"The leader Ben?, the owner of the old camp?" Grandpa asked, looking in the rearview mirror.
"YES," Marcos responded.
There was a moment of silence in the caravan.
"Hey Marcos, when I penetrated you the first time it was very easy. Tell me, could it be that someone else was or is fucking you?" the old man asked.
Marcos remained silent, nervously just rubbing his hands.
"Does your daddy fuck you son?" the old man asked.
"No, no, no," Marcos responded immediately.
"So Ben," the old man responded, smiling.
Marcos just nodded sadly.
"hahaha," the old man laughed, "that hypocritical bastard," the old man said to continue driving.
Once at home and when Marcos was saying goodbye to Saul, the old man came over and rubbed the bear's head.
"When you see Ben, tell him that Leader Mike sends him many regards and that he hopes to see him very soon," he said and then smiled at her and left.
Marcos said goodbye, waving his hand and feeling a little bitter, because he would be many days without feeling the enormity of it, he sighed, looked at his house, and smiled again.
"There's a cock just as big and thick," he thought and then ran back home.