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Kate : ...

Kari : You're right, it's clearly missing something !

Leather Jacket : 75$

Leather pants : 75$

Tee shirt : 20$

Bra : 30$

Louboutin boots : 750$

misc : 50$

2600-1000=1600$ left




The shredded t-shirt doesn't look right. Probably been better off with a undersized (tight) fitted t-shirt, one that would leave her middriff exposed and better showcase her cleavage. What she really needs is a boobjob and belly peircing.


Heading in the right direction, but a very long way to go... Think she will run out of money.. Maybe she can earn some more...?


Shoes are sweet. Pants are nice, but maybe a red thong peaking out would be nice. A midriff length leather jacket might be better (in the future to show underboob). T shirt is too ripped up. Agree with Sendthelove for a midriff exposed t-shirt.


Hmmm I'm guessing there's no enough money for her to get her boobs done?


love her Louboutins!


Also! Her belly button could be pierced. While we're changing her into a midriff exposed T-shirt. Is she wearing a push-up bra? She needs all the help she can get!