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Gotta repurpose those giant, powerless machines where you can ^^




Yay, geography! Considering that she is speaking to a mostly Squirell audience, Marble not explicitly making a distinction between European and American Squirells implies that it is the same faction, they look like a big deal... The story's serious kick off point will be the 'roos deciding that Squirells got too strong, like the Bears did, won't it? Ah yes, the school is located inside a busted mega-stryder. I presume it got picked clean of anything militarly useful before the kids got let in? And boy, history lessons got to be at least a bit awkward with Marble and that other rat student present. On the topic of Marble, she and Seed look quite more aged-up after one month! I untill now assumed that that they operate on a general principle of growing at a rate of a month in their life being about as much in terms of progression as a year is with humans. I take it is even faster, literally just the rate of growth of their real-life counterparts?


I actually had meant to make this two months later, but when I went to fix it, it wouldn't fit. ^__^' I might still change it, because yeah, one month isn't enough.


Oh yeah and the two squirrel factions are different, even though she didn't specify. The main thrust of the story (at least the first part) will be something like what you predicted, but not quite ^^

Kit Foxboy

I can't wait for whatever the follow up to Hearts of Iron this is where we get furries and purple kangaroo mechs