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Bit of an eclectic group this time. A few more Varanguard and some Predators that I painted for commission, also a Ghur terrain set commission, and I finally painted my thunderhawk gunship! (broke about three wrists holding it up) and some pretty old minis I started years ago for the Robotech RPG tactics game that was a total Kickstarter failure ^^'




That's some seriously impressive work you've done!

Kit Foxboy

The Emperor's Children Thunderhawk is SO sick! Amazing all around! My 40k scale Manta needs touching up. It was damaged and the paint could be better but I'm really bad at the painting side of the hobby, just kind of good at building. Now that I'm making an effort to put creativity out into the world, I'm planning on posting some of my conversions on DA if you ever offer criticism or critiques