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Today and yesterday, I put myself to the test by seeing how long it would take me to write a small bonus episode under 30 pages long — and it took me exactly a day and a half!

The idea came to me as I was reminiscing about the Allen Marks tie-in series we did last season, and wondering if exploring already-existing Fallout characters could be done again. Long story short, I wanted to test the idea of cheap and efficient bonus episodes to serve as fun content as we wait for fuller episodes to be produced. It would keep things fresh, as well as open the door to new narratives every once in a while.

That being said, “The Scourge of Benny” was the name of the script I finished writing today. As you could guess, the episode revolves around Benny from Fallout New Vegas, and how his tribe (The Boot-Riders) was absorbed into Mr. House’s city. This episode takes a page from the “All Roads” comic book, which features interesting details about the Boot-Riders and their traditions. The script is 25 pages long (which roughly equals 25 minutes) It is already looking like a good way to kick off this bonus series.

What do you guys think?

- DJ Atomic Wolf



Richard Hercher

Anything to get more of this amazing show!

Richard Hercher

Like a lot of others, I found it after the TV show; I first played FO3 when my daughter was born (blasting ghouls with a sleeping newborn was so weird) but didn’t get to play much after that. Fast forward 12 years, Amazon does their thing, and I’m ravenous to get back into the universe. True Vault Adventures sent me down the Fallout Audio Drama rabbit hole, and while there is so many great options, the “detective noir golden age of radio” concept just makes me so happy. ❤️

A-Bomb Radio

That is such an amazing origin story between you and the game! Definitely a core memory 😆 And I’m glad to hear Amazon got you back in; I was honestly very excited for the new/returning influx of fans, and it only means more that you chose to listen to us! If it wasn’t for Fallout, I wouldn’t have been introduced to the vintage world it’s inspired from, thus the radio shows that came with it. That’s what inspired TVE; it’s like one big pipeline 😃