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Ryan and Eddie have a showdown on Real Housewives of Orange County. It’s the battle of frown face vs. ugly jacket. Who will win?


S18E12 Ry Know What You Did Last Summer

Ryan and Eddie have a showdown on Real Housewives of Orange County. It’s the battle of frown face vs. ugly jacket. Who will win? We're the longest running Bravo comedy recap podcast! Find us at https://www.watchwhatcrappens.com TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@watchwhatcrappens Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/watchwhatcrappens/ Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/watch-what-crappens/id498130432


Mandy G

We really gotta get Ben to watch Steal Magnolias. What a travesty! Ben, you would LOVE IT! I demand you watch it this weekend! LOL


Loved the Jen influenced “Thank you so much” at the end. 💙😂

Vanessa Hinds

I wouldn't feel too cocky if I were Alexis. If "Johnny J" was so happy with her? He wouldn't be persuing something so vicious.

Andrea Nieto

Ok let me say I live in California so I got divorced in California courts and so did my current husband and did child support through them the both of us. We both had pain in the ass ex’s (his went back and forth to court more than mine. Mine was just an asshole to my kid) We dated for 5 years before marriage and she was nuts enough to try to go to court when we were dating living together trying to get my pay added to his child support found someone in my company send her my pay information. She was laughed out of court. Now years before if we were married it could have happened but now and at the time she did this the laws had changed because the kids were not legally my children they would never go after my pay as part of child support. They told her GET A JOB! (I heard it in Vicki voice) So with that said I don’t think that’s Gina’s. I can understand where the drama an ex would bring would wear you out. 16 years later we have peace lmao!


That’s wild I am sorry you had years and years of suffering in that situation!!!! ❤️ Thank you for the legal information! It’s nice when someone with experience lays it out With Gina, Travis and his ex had a dv situation in front of all the kids including Gina’s, that’s why she mentioned it was scary. There was a temporary restraining order but it was dropped. And according to reddit Travis’s ex wife is wealthy and has to pay him child support, which (unconfirmed!) she wanted to have reduced because he was living with Gina.

Andrea Nieto

Oh wow! I would have done the same thing in the DV case then. But I would have told Travis straight up my kids will not be exposed to that not sorry at all. Figure your shit out and call me when you all know how to act. My hubby’s ex tried to make a scene once while my daughter was home and I told him go to courts and handle the next day or he could pack his bags and leave. She could try to do petty stuff with money and texts and make herself look crazy but when you do it in front of my child all bets are off. #teamgina

Stephanie D. 🇦🇲

Thank you Ronnie! Thank you saying we are not feeling Katie. Honestly her storyline is boring and I’m not interested in her. I’ll catch hell for saying this but if Tamra stays next season it’s time to bring Vickie and Gretchen back to knock her down a few pegs.