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This week on The Real Housewives of Orange County, the women head to Mexico for a group trip, and Heather finds it in her heart to invite Noella, who has incidentally given Max a very mature gift.  Will the decision backfire in Fancy Pants' face?  Of course!  And we're here for it.

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cool girl aka freesia

i have to say… the posche fashion show from season 2 is great but the episode where danielle brings danny and an army of hells angels to the brownstone for a fundraiser for a baby who has cancer always takes the cake as most unhinged episode ever

Erica Harrington

Noëlla is giving me major Brandi vibes. I’d stay away and maybe move to some island! I was dead with all the “Bleeeeeeeeeep credenza” WTF cards ! 🤣


Ok, seaon 1 Posche fashion show is good and all, but the best one is the one where Teresa yells "You know what POSCHE stands for?? Piece Of Shit Cokewhore Homewrecker Everyday!" Absolute classic.


This ep title is so good 😂