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This week's Luann and Sonja: Welcome to Crappie Lake episode (S01E04) takes us to a testicle festival. Hope for Benton after al!


Luann and Sonja: Welcome to Crappie Lake S01E04 recap: Testicles!

This week's Luann and Sonja: Welcome to Crappie Lake episode (S01E04) takes us to a testicle festival. Hope for Benton after al! *Dont wait a week for the videos! Get them immediately at Patreon.com/watchwhatcrappens Site: https://www.watchwhatcrappens.com TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@watchwhatcrappens Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/watchwhatcrappens/ Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/watch-what-crappens/id498130432


Christina O

Can I provide some Crappens listener feedback? The audio on video recaps are never at equal levels. Ronnie’s audio is so low but the podcast episodes sound perfect. 😕 thanks y’all!

Rebecca Fialkowski AKA Beccainbalt

I mean HUGE Kudos to Luanne for eating the Balls!! That’s why im loving this show- both Luanne & Sonja are all in and not making fun of the town or putting on airs! Many other housewives would do both!

Christina O

I watch on my tv for the YouTube videos but when I listen to it on apple podcast it sounds fine.

Kimberly Jefferson

I’ve noticed it’s fine when I’m listening via Amazon Music or Apple but not when I’m watching on TV via YT.


Yay! Below Deck Project Runway...good choice.

Jennifer Riester

These recaps are almost as unhinged as this show 🤣