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Why did I choose Patreon to become an PAtreon Creator? Patreon is easy to handle and you don't need to worry about taxes for the Tax authority of your state. The people are friendly and you can talk to them. As Artist you can completly concentrate on your work and on your Patrons.

And then comes the german bureaucracy if you are an German Artist.

And this makes YOU crazy.  I tell you: Since I reopend my page on August 1 I got exactly 32 letters from 4 german agences with different Forms, Answers, Questions etc. Alone today I got five (5) letters from ONE bureau.

The largest form needed exactly 35 Pages to fullfilled also 16 pages attachments, just for the german national insurance, which is required from the law of our state. Even as they saw some pictures, my DevArt and my Patreon they wanted that I show them that I really ARE an Artist and that they acceppt me as Artist for their compulsory insurance.

And the Problem? They don't know how the Internet or Patreon as social Payment place works. They not even know that method for income... You describe them in detail how it works, how the money and taxes are createt. You show them your work, exclusive the way how a picture is createt and they ask you: "Is that serious or legal?" or "There is no way to earn something. You need to write Bills and to talk with the people, your clients..." and you as Artist think: What the Fuck? Are those people that old fashioned or is it just me?

What I did today?

I started at 6 am this morning to work on SideEffects. At 10 am cames the post men with 5 letters from one office. Since then I have been filling out forms..again.

Hail to the German BureaCRAZY, which makes you very LaLa!

Don't worry friends, I just needed to clear my head while I wrote this.

Are your country laws and burecracy exactly the same? Or better? Or more insulting?

Let me know ;)



English here and not its not nearly as bad as that for me (I also work online, though not as an artist). Have to send my own tax returns and get a few forms but not 5 letters a day and the people certainly understand the method of income. That sounds bonkers.


Wow that’s crazy


Wow sorry to hear that mate


Thanks pal. I decided for me that I will start to ignore them for now. There are more imporant things to do, my work, the pictures and pages, my Patrons here on Patreon.


Oh man… das fühle ich - die deutsche Bürokratie nervt gewaltig …. Sobald man irgendwo Geld verdient kreisen die Geier … irgendwo hat es auch Vorteile gerade gegenüber anderen Ländern, aber in einigen Fällen übertreiben sie es einfach nur


Ja, das sehe ich genau so. Ordnung muss sein, aber übertriebene Ordnung und Misstrauen gegenüber den eigenen Bürgern - das ist völlig Fehl am Platz.


Yikes! Maybe you would be better off if you bypassed the whole German bureaucracy alltogether with some offshore method, or with a bank outside germany? I'm not sure, but there must be a way.


Yea, that would be amazing. Problem is the European Union. Every Bankaccount, no matter if PayPal or other Instutes have to report incomes to the finance departments if they have more then a specific income (1.300€) per month. Even Patreon is in those rules: They have an EU Tax ID for all Creators and Supporters since last year. The way is clear: There is no way, I just went that german way and now I have to see how slow the german bureaucracy act ;)


Yes buddy, I have asked my tax consultant about it. PayPal is a global bank incorporation and if one of the european or american states ask for the information, maybe about high income etc they have to give that information. If you use PayPal as Business Account, and you have to while you work with it, this goes every month actually. And that have every corporation to do, also not only PayPal.


So they only give out info if the specific country asks them to do so? Like if somebody have strange money movement on they home bank account and the government can request the information?