Halloween 2021 (Patreon)
Unbelivable, but September is mostly gone. Christmas and New Years Eve are not so far away anymore, but before that all comes is Oktober and with it Halloween time.
In our Country we don't celebrate Halloween or Samhain. Younger people then I, got it from the american influence over the years in our TV, but in my childhood it wasn't important. We celebrated Sankt Martin who shared his own clothes with a poor beggar. He parted his Cape in two pieces and shared that. I remember some US Movies in the 80's where Halloween was shown with Trick and Treat, but nobody cared about it...
Well Time changes. Since I was a child it was my dream to move to the US, becaming an US-citizen but no matter what I did (Greencard and other ways) nothing worked. Now, with 43, I feel to old (and to poor) to leave Germany and restart everything...another died dream.
But now to the part which is important. What do YOU want to see for Halloween 2021? Right now I am working on several projects but I ask myself: What do you want to see? Wrote it as comment. On Wednessday I look about the comments and start a poll with them.