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Hey Friends,

thank you all for your patience the whole week.

Well, now I am back and find just another (not so fine) mess here. As you remember: I took the week off because the city wanted to start the renovations of the street where I live and work, while our own flats startet to get renovated. The first part should be closed last week...

and I am speechless. The whole week the workers had done alot (not). The Roadsurface is removed, some holes are made, some Tubes are to see but neither cables nor pipes were replaced as they should. The same on our rental housing... :(

My neighbour told me that they did not work since wednesday, what I can understand because of that heavy storms out there.

Well, here at cologne the people often say: It is as it is (Es ist wie es ist), I can not change that.

My work can not longer wait and I don't want to wait any longer, so I restart today and tomorrow on Monday everything will run as always ( I hope).


Cole jones

I'm excited to see more of your work tomorrow I hope things go well but if you end up having to take a break again I think we all understand. Also going a week without seeing updates on your comics made me realize how boring my days can be sometimes your work really is a highlight of my day.


Glad to see your back! Sorry to hear about all the trouble though.


I hoped that they would have finished the work. To see that just the "basics" are done is hard, but understandable. We had two strong storms here and a third should come around the next two days. In that weather I would let any employee at home (if i ever have one :D )


Welcome back :)