Eve - the first Bimbo 001- 003 (Patreon)
After Side Effects is done, it is time for a new story as Main Content.
Eve is based on the biblical Eve, the Wife of Adam. But this story will show her in another light. Eve and her Twinsister, Lilith, are strong amazon like woman from an prehistoric tribe (around 10.000 b.C.) and Adam...who the hell is that guy?
Right now I can't say how long this comic will be. I plan around 30 Pages, but to be true: Side Effects was planned as 30 Page Comic and got 181 Pages in the End...So we will see how this ongoing comic will come. After Page 10 I start to convert the Pages into a ongoing PDF File.
And remember: My active patrons have, as always the the possibility to bring their ideas into my comics. Just leave an suggestion as comment for upcoming pages and I will look how your idea would fit into the story.