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And the end of the Mini Series with the complete PDF attached ;)

Previous Picture(s):
Take some...001

Take some...002
Take some...003
Take some...004



Cole jones

Maybe a little sequel where the people that gave them the pills get tricked in to taking them too.

Cole jones

I do wish this had gone on longer or showed more details of their growths but I still liked it and hey maybe you can do other stories involving those pills.


Of course Cole ;) I understand that wish. But it is all a question of time. I just have one Computer and every picture or Page consume a lot of time. Right now I work more then 14 hours every time for my Patreon content. My day only have 24 hours. I think that I produce more then enough content for all my tiers.


Same as I ;) Maybe one day, when I earn more then enough here on Patreon, I could hire a second Artist...or a Texter, but right now I do everything alone and every picture get the best quality. :D