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"Hey Mister" is todays Single Picture and my start in this weekend.

How was your week? Mine was busy. I've finished the upcoming pages for DNA Re-Written and Eve and while the Computer was busy I worked on my Secret Project for my Patrons. It is in an very early production process and I think that I will show you the first pictures for it next week.

Also is the month more or less done and I will say Thank you to you all. It is amazing to see that my community here on Patreon is growing - slow but steady. Of course are there also always people who quit the support but that is the way ;)

So, have an amazing weekend and please stay healthy and safe, no matter where you all life. Watching the news in those times makes me personaly extremly sad every time. The useless wars, the massaker in Texas, the new virus of Monkeypoxs. And it is not ending. But life always finds a way.

See you on Monday for Eve's next chapter :)




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