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AmazCorp is an world wide working corporation who produces different sort of products to bring all sorts of Pleasure to you...the happy buyer. WE ofer you

- Potions to change your sex,
- Increase parts of your Assets,
- Increase or Decrease your hair folicel,
- enjoy another behavior as your usual one,
- Feel Youthful, no matter which Age you truly have...

...and so much more for a short period of time (up to 12 hours)

But before you enjoy our high quality products read the manual carefully. We assume no liability if side effects arise due to incorrect handling.

"Dear Customer,
thank you for purchasing your personal high quality Pleasure Potion. With it your body will enjoy all sorts of enjoyment a body can offer. Please, use the enclosed pipette to add 3 droplets into a glass of water. The effect will take place 30 minutes after you used the potion. Under no circumstances use more then 3 dropplets withhin the next 12 hours. And Overdosage will will cause SideEffects which could be took much more time then 12 hours or became permanently!
Enjoy your time,
your friendly

Jim McBimbo
CEO of AmazCorp"



Cole jones

This feels like it could be it's own comic. Maybe at some college party the drinks are spiked with the drug and it changes both the men and women.


Why do I want to see the seffects of her drinking the whole bottle undiluted?😄


nahh...there will be an very interessting comic comic coming soon, where a potion like this will be a main part


I would not discount this idea. It could be something that happens in the comic and is unrelated to the main story. Or maybe the lead characters go to said party while under the effects and accidentally redose on the spiked punch?

Cole jones

Yeah Zoad that sounds like it could work perfectly and could cause overdoses to everyone at the party making it a orgy and maybe when men take it and overdose on it they turn into bimbos too so the whole party is full with bimbos.