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A curse was casted on the Mystery Inc. Team. Every second the curse is active the whole team will become more and more the absolute stereotypical Bimbo Version of themself withhin the next 60 minutes - if they don't find the correct book with the fitting spell to break the curse in it.

Velma as the brightest mind of the whole team was driving crazy...loosing her brilliant mind and getting an constably horny but extremly dumb Airhead? So she solved many riddles while she felt how tight her bra under her blouse was getting or how much air she felt on her growing ass cheeks, rising her skirt. But every riddle got harder and harder for her to solve.

On the other hand she saw how her buddys changed. Daphne was always an easy catch but now? She would be the absolute lving dream - Velma feel how she firstly in her life get envyous about her best girlfriend - but not for long.

Fredy and Shaggy on the other hand changed too. As Freds pants got to tight in the midrif section he, without any shame, put the pants of - exposing his growing member in full length. Shaggy on the other hand changed more and more into a female version of himself...could it be that he always was more a She then a He?

Within the last seconds ticking from the nearby clock Velma found the book...but it was to late. She felt how her bleaching hair was growing wildly, or how massive her bewbs have become, but with the book in hand she turned to Daphne in hope that she could read the spell in latin...but Daphne found another activity and with this Velma's brilliant mind said "Good bye" and Velma welcomed her new, much easyier way of life...as Bimbo.



Cole jones

I feel like you could make a comic out of these Scooby Doo bimbo stories. Though I think Fred and shaggy should start out becoming himbos and having sex with a slowly Bimbofieing Velma and Daphne and after that they start to turn into bimbos.


Seconded. This should be a short series.