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Dear friends and supporters,

another month has come to an end, time for me to draw a small conclusion. 

The times we all live in are hard. Not only do we have years of pandemic behind us - no, a new war in the middle of Europe has been in full swing for months and I fear that this crap will escalate even further. Many innocent people have lost their belongings and some even their lives.

Also as an artist here on Patreon I notice this trend. Many supporters from all over the world have had to cut their support or end it altogether. So while support is going down, costs are going up, in the last month alone my gas costs have gone up 78%, electricity 43%. And I know I'm not alone in this and if I'm honest, I don't want to think or even write about the nutcases we owe this crap to.

So now, at the end of September, I have decided to express my deepest gratitude to all of you. But words are often hollow, as you can unfortunately see in many politicians around the world. And so I have designed for you this picture here. This is my way to thank you all for your support.

I am glad that many of you have your support permanently running. But some of you stop your support in the moment where you started it. Some return in the following month, others not at all :( But to each of you my thanks and that from the bottom of my heart.

Please, stay healthy and take care of yourselves, no matter where you live.

Jim / Amaz2k12



Cole jones

I'm happy to support you work and I hope this year will get better for what's left of it and if nothing else then next year will better then this year. Also I love the image you made maybe a potential comic in the future where a group of guys who are considered dicks have their drinks spiked and then they start changing.


It is amazing to see that positive vibe Cole. It truly is rare in this time.

Cole jones

I try to stay positive it's better to have hope then just assume the worst I like to think good things will happen and they are people just don't know it. A good way to find out some good news in the world is a subreddit called uplifting news.


Glad to support your work and your hobby


I gladly support you as long as I can my friend :)