FemDemic - A New Stage of Life (Patreon)
Hello everyone,
on July 12, Rel and I published my short comic "FemDemic - A new Stage of Life", last Thursday, July 27, the game Femdemic by Rel.Pink on which my short comic is based was released. You can find it on Steam and on Itch.io. On Steam you may not be able to view the game due to the NSfW rule.
I also had something up in my sleeve for this comic, which will be published for you today.
Today this version goes not only on Patreon, but also on TGComics online, which is a premiere for me. Likewise also, in clearly censored form and in reduced resolution on DeviantArt and E-Hentai Galleries.
However, the text was revised for this, at the request and cooperation of Femur, the operator of TGC. Therefore, there are now three different versions of this comic.
The Versions
- The exclusive Patreon Version goes to all my Patrons. As Patreon exclusive content, this release will be available for you to download at the usual time, both as a PDF and Single Picture (all attached), without censoring and in the known resolution.
- The second is the TGC Version. For this version, both the banner and the border of the comic had to be reworked and Femur set the time when it will be available. But I know that this should be later today, in the early evening New York time.
- The third version, which will be published on DeviantArt as well as E-hentai, is 25% smaller and the footage is censored to comply with the strict DeviantArt guidelines.
And now I wish you a lot of fun and we will see each other again soon.