The ineffective pill - 009 (Patreon)
Ah, the classic crime story tropes – blame it on the gardener or the butler. But in our twisty tale, behold the genius of Albert's master plan, executed with finesse.
Picture this: Albert, the sly strategist, knew all about his employer's vanity and the ache for the days of youth. With a silver tongue, he convinced the snooty and oh-so-arrogant lady to dive into the wonders of Dr. Jim's AmazCorp, sweetening the deal by granting her the coveted privilege of being the first to indulge in the Age Regression Pill.
Now, enter Albert's crafty play on her impatience. He bet that the lady wouldn't settle for just one pill. So, during a seemingly innocent dinner, he slipped her the first pill. Little did she know, the ones that followed were nothing but sugar-coated placebos. But wait, there's more – Albert slipped in a PermaBimboUltraMax (available exclusively as a melon pill) as a sneaky antidote, all while wearing the mask of a helpful remedy.
Fast forward to the present, and the cards are laid bare. The lady, blissfully ignorant that she's handed her company to Albert with a stroke of the pen, is en route to a whole new adventure. Here, money is just a stack of credit cards from Albert, and a tantalizingly sexual life awaits her... but hey, we're not spilling all the secrets just yet ;)