The mischievous Bimbo Genie 124 - 126 (Patreon)
In a unique twist within "The Mischievous Bimbo Genie," Tom's gender transformation unfolds gradually, almost tantalizingly slow. What sets this apart is Tom's complete awareness of the metamorphosis. Following a night filled with an electrifying dream, his transformation has advanced, rendering not only his physique and demeanor noticeably more feminine but also transforming his living space.
From a football resting on the nightstand the previous evening, we now find makeup and a pom-pom. Is Tommy becoming a cheerleader or aspiring to be one? Despite being the school's star quarterback, will this be enough to sustain his former identity? Moreover, why does the star quarterback suddenly have an oversized teddy bear named "Mr. Fluffles" in his newly adorned girl's room? Could this mark the finale of Tom's existence as a man in the comic? Share your thoughts on this Patreon-exclusive journey as Tom's story unfolds with each captivating chapter!