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It doesn’t happen often, perhaps once every hundred years, but when a dragon says “I can see the value” the world gets ever so slightly more




Daniel O'Connor

God I hope that's foreshadowing for her in that exact getup


The best part is the kid in the background that’s absolutely SHOOK.


Dragon buys their entire stock of ball gags and harnesses

King ReL

🎶window shopper🎵


Casual nudity, the best kind of nudity


Is the dragon gonna go carry the girl aroung like a bag next time?


lol i love the dynamic between these two, they really should have their own little cameos every so often if they dont get a mini series. (If this isnt a mini story about them already)


I wonder how much gold/merch the shop would offer in exchange for a cast of a real dragon cock?


I can't recall if we've seen any of the characters actually wear a chastity cage before. How nice(frightening) to see him learn more about the world of bdsm.

Crescent Sunrise

I can't wait to see what the dragon buys (and makes the elf wear). Then their return trip to the lair, hopefully with the elf ATWT'd on the dragon's cock. XD


Given the reaction of the background character as the average appropriate reaction, the ball gag is gonna be on the house with his auto intimidation success check. Unless the shopkeep looks like he's negotiated with dragons before.


I was hoping to see the traveling, also...what's that 👉


Also at this rate we're definitely getting another dragonborn character (i remember that dadbod dragon from earlier)

King Kaig

I'll admit it... I held my phone to a mirror haha


Never argue with dragon boyfriend.


She's going to need something to help her ride the dragon back home....I mean to the dungeon, this isn't getting cutely domestic or anything

Sul the Bard

So the dragon is into S&M, makes sense.


Ah, you know what, he can't read half the tagline past her enormous chest against the glass, but I love his enthusiasm in learning it all. I'm gonna have to add "Damsels in Distress" to my Market Parade locations now.

Crescent Sunrise

Damsels in Distress, Leatherworks & Bedroom Acco[?]trements for the Sexually Interesting

Commissar Doggo

Honestly, it's probably more terrifying that the dragon is actually shopping around (though perhaps not paying), as opposed to burning down half the town and demanding tribute from the other half.


I'm making Damsels in Distress a chain store. They're going to be in every major city in every market parade. Just seems like a store that would take off easily in this world. People shorthand it D-in-D.

George MP

Hehe, the guy in the background.


Seeing a busty girl pressed against a clear surface is heavenly.. If you're looking for suggestions, more of that would be awesome!


When they go dress shopping, they'll want to take measurements when she's fully impaled on dragon dick

Sleepy Dave

"Leatherworks & Bedroom Accoutrements for the Sexually Interesting" I'm guessing that they do a LOT of business,


The kid in the background tho lol


hope we get a shot of her being taken home in that harness skewered on him


This will likely be a "one of everything" shopping trip


I can see where this is headed


Well, that dragon needs to spend all that horde gold somewhere!

Stephen Wells

The fact that she's wearing a chain harness before she even goes IN to the shop indicates that these two are ideal customers for this shop :)

Stephen Wells

Dragon didn't realise that this whole "captive damsel" thing was actually just a BDSM relationship all along :)

Stephen Wells

Canonically in this setting the gold is worthless :) he needs jade, or threats of annihilation.

Stephen Wells

...and OF COURSE the village gave her to the dragon, she was the one with a house full of replica dragon cocks. It all makes sense now!


She just needs to convince him that she can recruit higher quality damsels by taking advantage of women's natural status seeking instincts. Knights and heroes rescue damsels from Dragon's. Princesses who want to make sure that a knight is worth it can test them by seeing if the knight can or would even try to rescue them from the dragon. Additionally, by joining the treasure hoard of a dragon the damsels would raise their social prestige and raise the quality of knights and heroes that would come to rescue them. With the right marketing damsels might sstart paying the dragon for a sort of matchmaking service. If they end up becoming mothers of dragons or part dragon from their activities in the hoard than that's just more prestige. What hero wouldn't want some dragon blood in the lineage of their descendants?

Sul the Bard

Like so many of us the Dragon didn't know what his kinks are until he was exposed to them. But with the power exchange, the consistent communication, and the service that he is providing his sub with it makes sense that he is either a Dom or a Switch.

Blood Raven

Okay, this one's pretty funny

Twelve Seal

And now I'm annoyed my phone didn't notify me of this posting. Love the guy in the background staring, btw. Really sets the mood XD


The dragon must be having fun; his eyes are all the way open.