Untitled (Patreon)
2014-11-26 15:09:19
I'd like to know...
What would you like me to do next?
Apart ofthat Celestia Lingerie pic, i'm planing in doing another pic. I have few options, so I'd like you to tell me your opinion. I'll take it into conssideration for my decision.
1.- Beautiful Rarity humanized pic.
2.- Canon sparity pic (this is, she's a unicor and he's small dragon Spike)
3.- Grown up dragon Spike sparity pic.
4.- Sparity comic strip.
5.- Humanized scifi sparity pic.
6.- Anthro beach sparico pic (Spike, Rarity and Coco)
Well I want to hear you ^^
Patrons that pledged $10 have the priority.