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"Come on, darling... time to unwrap your gift <3"

"Unwrapped" version is already in the folders! hope you enjoy.

Merry Christmas to everyone!

thanks for being supporting me all this time, regardless my lacking of activity at times, but I assure you, I'm back to stay and since next month you're gonna see more stuff from me : )

In case I can be back before the new year, Happy New Year to all of you <3




A merry christmas to you to Pia, and a pleasure to always be supporting you, no matter what.


I hope you have a wonderful holiday, and I look forward to many more years of supporting you and your beautiful art.


Such a wonderful gift! :3 Happy New Year to you too, Pia!

Keith M. Brown

New here, where do I find the folders?


Umm, neither version is in the folders anywhere I can see. Am I missing something or is it for top tier only?


hi there, sorry the late answer. You should have received an email with the link, did you get it?


The latest file I can see in NSFW is 11 Nov. Towelnude. Nothing since then. Did you change something a month or more ago with the shared directory? This isn't the first time something like this has happened.


Update: I went back to a private message from you, March 2017 with the link and that directory works but the one I was using previously seems broken. No idea what went on. Google being Google I guess.