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I started coloring this pic a lot of time ago xD

Finished it now. Uncropped versions available and HD and spoiler edit.




Absoluetly wonderful work on this Pia. Your colouring and shading suits Bigdad's lines hand in hand. I do recall you doing another lovely piece of work on one of kevinsano's pieces. Do you plan on doing any collaborations with other artists in the future for colouring and shading, or is this just something to do in your freetime as a hobby of sorts?


sure im always open to suggestion if you have any : ) and always the artist allows me. In this case I asked BigDad and he said yes : )

Sean Jackson

That Spoiler alert pic, that gives me some ideas. I haven't seen the leaked ending so I'm gonna hope what comes to pass is what I have in mind.


Uncropped version? Where?


Most of the images on the NSFW on the drive are missing.


older than 2 months have been moved to the historical, but soon new ones will be added!