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Thanks a lot for your support. I've been slow again because I live in Chile, and in my country things got ugly. But finally trying to work normally, so you'll see more from me soon.




It's great to hear from you once again Pia. Nice to know you're safe in such turbulent times. Hoping things go forward for the better. In regards to the drawing, I really must say, rarity's grey streak on her mane is starting to grow on me. Also, that shading work on spike is absolutely top notch stuff.


I hope everything will get calmer soon, hang in there! As for the picture, Rarity gets to see some dragon beef, though something tells me she'll work exceptionally hard this time around in the gym, to give a certain drake something to focus on, sport tops can get quite revealing when wet after all.


I'd love to see the whole crew reaction the first time he joins them at the jim