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!!!Compatible with the December 3rd Patch!!!



  • Added a new set of wings! These are the "Demonic Ascendant" wings, which are converted from Raphael's ascendant form in Baldur's Gate 3. *These wings REQUIRE the base Angel & Demon wing set to function.*

  • ~ These new wings are available for Infant-Elder and have several glowing variations.

  • ~ They are quite high poly (approx. 22.5k).

Hey all!

This is an add-on set for the Animated Wings Mod that I released last year. It consists of two different styles - feathered "angel" wings and fleshy "demonic" wings. The models and textures were converted from Baldur's Gate 3 and were animated by me to create functional wings for your sims!

The meshes are a relatively high poly (12.5k and 9k), so keep that in mind regarding your computer specs.


  • The Animated Wings Mod. (HARD REQUIREMENT. These wings are useless if you don't have the main mod.)

  • The Fairies vs. Witches Mod animations package. (Optional if you don't want to use the "Fly Around" interaction)

Be sure you have the newest version of both of these mods! They both received updates with the release of this set.

Pegasus Wings

Along with the basic set, which is available for Infant-Elder life stages, the wings have also been enabled for horses, so you can live out your Pegasus dreams! Unfortunately, horses have a few built-in issues that make these animated wings difficult to enable, and the method to apply them isn't as polished as I'd like. That being said, here's how you do it:

1. Download the Playable Pets Mod or use a cheat that enables you to control your pets.

2. Enable testingcheats from the cheat console in-game.

3. Shift+Click your horse, find the "Wings" menu, and select "Enable Animated Wings"

4. While controlling the horse, click the horse again without holding shift.

5. Find the "Wings" menu and choose "Select Wings..."

6. Select a pair of wings from the menu.

7. The wings should appear below the horse's body. Now, click them and select "Set As Wings".

8. Done! The wings should equip to the horse.

The wings may disappear occasionally and because of the previously mentioned issues, they won't reappear unless you reselect the wings from the menu again. I will hopefully be able to fix this in the future, but for now this is the best way to enable wings for horses!

Things to Note:

  • Both wing types are quite large and will definitely clip when walking through doors or in areas with a lot of sims or objects. This is just an unavoidable reality of the game.

  • Because these wings are objects and do not use the same shaders as sims, their color will most likely not match the sim's skintone or fur exactly due to differences in lighting. This means white wings won't necessarily match a white horse and flesh-tone demon wings may not perfectly match your sim's skin tone.

  • The wings are made to adjust size and to fit different frames/ages and because of that, they may not sit perfectly against the sim's back.




Just when i updated Fairies vs Witches and Animated Wings i got the Youtube notification LOL. It all looks great. Will add to my sims!

Xieen (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-17 11:22:38 I hope you update all your mods soon! especially the mermaid one :)
2024-06-03 04:27:09 I hope you update all your mods soon! especially the mermaid one :)

I hope you update all your mods soon! especially the mermaid one :)


Im so excited for this thank you so much for all your wonderful mods.😁


Oh wonderful! My Dragonborn character will be even better!


It's super cool that wing movements are now synced with whatever a sim is doing, hopefully that's gonna come to the default "fairy" animated wings at some point. Sadly it doesn't always work and I'm yet to figure out why and what factors can potentially affect it. Also, is this a normal behaviour that only sims with angelic/demonic wings can fly around, but not the ones with wings from the main pack? Massive thanks for this mod!


It already is! 😊 If you update the Animated Wings mod, the regular fairy wings should change speed this way as well.


Oh thank you, I re-installed everything again and it started working except the case when a failry automatically hovers when going somewhere (speed doesn't change), is it supposed to be this way or maybe my files got messy again

strawberry milk.

is it possible to recolor these by any chance? i REALLY want to add a specific color for a sim of mine, but i don't know if it would work to just... add another swatch... to your original package, haha.


I literally cannot PLAY without the comfort of your Mods in my game <3


You should be able to! The only issue is with the basic fairy wing sets from base Animated Wings mod, each swatch has a custom name that is assigned within the object catalog file. But if the name doesn’t bother you, you should be able to just clone a swatch, change the texture, and they should still be functional. :)

Aêlith NightBloom

Hi, I'm getting a better exception for this mod. thnx [cjiang] Error occurred within the tag named '_components' (value: U) (UnavailablePackSafeResourceError) I have the realm of magic pack.

Russian Succubus

Is there a cheat with this mod or anything to enable flying for non fairies? My succubus wishes to fly. Haha.

nina holybrice

would it be possible to do more fluid versions of the fairy wings like the angel and demon wings?

Akashiya D. Shirayuki

I´m having a problem with the animation wings they won´t work in my game when I try to select wings they won´t appear is dare something that I could do to fix it

Mitchell ivey

i have a conflict with the animated wings and its strings.... and i am forever having a LE for the animated wings something to do with children

Akashiya D. Shirayuki

Yeah I did I discovered that if you remove the script file from the mod and put it into the open mod file where all your mods are then there will so op in the game

Mitchell ivey

argh yeah ill give it a try... ive got this thing now where my fairies mods only half appear in curseforge and FvW thinks ints aa curseforge mod

Starr Van Tuyl

Im not sure if im doing something wrong but I can't find angel wings 😭😭 When I go to select wings I get all the demon ones and fairy ones but no angel ones


When using pose mods, wings disappear... :(