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This is just a post to say that everything is fine with me, I've just been taking some time to get out the next page. I think I've been getting too far ahead with the WIP pages, so I wanted to wait until I've posted the next finished page, which I've been struggling with a little bit... but I hope to have it up soon.

I'd like to get into a rhythm of posting where I post a finished page to the website and then a WIP page to Patreon when they're done, rather than waiting until the end of the month. If you have preferences for what style of updates you'd prefer to see, feel free to comment below.

I hope everyone is having a good summer, and I thank you as always for your support.




Thank you, I was starting to worry that we were going to be facing a very long wait so the news helps a lot. Can't wait for the next pages


Glad to see a post. Good idea to adjust the pacing of posts. Thank you for the proof of life that things are okay. I was actually starting to worry a bit that something had happened

Lewis W.

Glad to hear things are well. It makes sense to change things up. As long as you figure out someone that works for you, that is the important thing


I think the current/ old update method of the end of the month is fine FWIW!


In full honesty, I love the style and look of the WIP pages. I know they're not the envisioned end state for the comic, but I'd much rather have more pages in that style than "complete" color pages.


FWIW, I supported you briefly on Patreon to see where things were, after following on the public website for ages, and found the WIP pages good for a quick fix, but I much prefer the sumptuous beauty of the finished pages. I feel that you should work how you feel meaningfully satisfied. If money was an important motivator, for me, I'd possibly return to paying with incremental work, such as part pages or individual panels from pages being released a bit more regularly. I feel conflicted though, I selfishly want the storyline to unfold, but I don't want a two or three speed experience to be put into place - just to meet the broad needs of your supporter base.

Michael Pettersson

Patience is virtue. Let this take the time it need. This isn't your main income after all. But whatever you do, do NOT sell Outsider to Disney. 😉


Hmmm... The Umak have a thing for bilateral symmetry, and ink blots...

Codius Dak

Glad to hear from you was getting worried. Take your time and do what you think is best. Been an outsider fan since 2002 and I can say we have survived worse. We'll be here cheering you on.

Cosmic Pillar

I love the WIP pages, but mostly because it allows the story's basics to be advanced. Glad to hear your alright!

Morgan Olson

Good to hear from you, and looking forward to more updates, in whatever form they come in. 👍 Sounds like a good idea to work on the WIP pages and slowly get caught up. Some folks sound a little disgruntled on the forums, but I enjoy the WIP pages like others have mentioned. I like seeing the story moving forward.

Alex Dillard

I prefer the finished pages, but I'm not the one doing the work.


Random thoughts… I think those here on Patreon would support you regardless of the update schedule or content. I’d agree getting into a rhythm with finished pages to the main website is probably the most beneficial goal I’m something of a hermit so I don’t really worry when people drop in and out of contact but there’s clearly a lot of love here in the comments for you. Maybe plant a tree and post a weekly picture of it’s growth or just post amusing clouds to check in with the community here regularly, some comic unrelated “proof of life” I guess Having said that you don’t owe anyone here your personal time and your commitment to creating Outsider can hardly be doubted after all these years Outsider has dropped a fair way down/off most webcomic listing sites, maybe it doesn’t matter but fresh blood is always welcomed. There’s doubtlessly a fresh wave of teenagers out there who’d pick up the comic if they stumbled across it. WIP content to the reddit maybe?

David Emami

I'm patient. Just glad everything is OK with you personally. I was starting to get a little worried.


Well, the comic needs more visibility. Faster updates aside, you could post WIPs on popular sites like reddit, or maybe even your main page?It's kind of weird that the WIPs are not only fifty pages ahead, they're locked as well.


I agree with this observation. Between 30 March 2022 and 4 July 2024 there have been 11 new finished pages on the website. In the same timeframe we got almost 50 sketch pages though. I am personally entirely fine with this since i love the sketch pages - new pages that progress the story are better than colored versions of content i already read. On the other hand any new reader who doesn't visit Patreon, will likely get the first impression that the update pace seems glacial at best. They might binge what there is and then forget about the comic. Which is a shame, as we get the equivalent of a bi-weekly sketch page consistently. I would suggest making the sketch pages public, with some added delay. Perhaps "Sketches are made public six months after the Patreon release"? That would retain the Patreon incentive as you'd have about 10-12 pages you can read after subscribing, yet at the same time keep traffic to the website flowing thanks to new public content and a more steady release schedule.


The main issue is perhaps misunderstanding the purpose of Patreon. It is a marketing tool, a business platform. However, here, what is supposed to be the "product" and what is its "advertisement"? If we consider the finished, colored pages to be the end product, then why should anyone pay for the unfinished sketches, while the colored pages are released for free? Only hardcore fans will agree to this, which severly limits the number of patrons. So I think that the sketches (or parts of them) should be posted for free as ads (with some delay), and the payment plans should unlock early access to the colored pages. Perhaps even in several steps, depending on the price.


Patreon is a mechanism for monetizing support; I don't view it as a marketing platform. I doubt there are many readers who found the comic through Patreon. There are a variety of things that could be done to better market the comic, but I think that would be misplaced effort at the moment... the problem that needs to be solved is to produce pages more regularly. The WIP pages were intended as a perk for supporters; I wouldn't have a problem with making them public if the supporters didn't mind, but I doubt that would actually help the comic. They won't be seen by anyone who doesn't already know the comic, and I think someone posts them on 4chan etc. anyway, so if people want to see them they already can.


That's what donations are there for, Patreon is meant to formalize the exchange between artist and audience by setting up defined payment plans. Although since we do not know what causes the pages to be delayed, we can only offer generic advice based on how other authors use Patreon. As already said above, it is usually a system of attracting viewers with the already published comic and frequent WIP teasers, then offering them early preview rights through Patreon premium plans to fund the project. Please don't see this as criticism, instead, we, the fans, are simply worried about the state of the comic and want to offer our (meager) advice and support.

Keith Fogle

An engaging story, amazing artwork, stellar world-building... definitely worth the wait. :)


I don't really have a preference. I just love seeing progress being made one way or another.

Jonathan Werts

I just want to support getting as much Outsider published as possible.

Carl Miller Jr.

Is everything alright? You haven't posted here in three months, and the comic hasn't had a new page posted all year. :(

Robert D TODD

Wondering if CMJ is ok, it's been a minute since he's posted...


Thinking about the story thus far, it appears that the Historians aren't so much 'allies' of any party, as much as semi neutral observers. Or, perhaps, manipulators? It occurs to me that the possibility of parallel evolution resulting in two species of such similar physiology as to only appear separated by body temperature and skin color, (and pointed ears and psionics) is so highly unlikely as to border on the absurd. It would not, entirely, surprise me to find that the Lori have been bioengineering to be physically compatible with humans, so that they would be more likely to ally themselves with the Lori, in order to help stabilize this sector of space. It would seem the Umaki seem a more aggressive species, and seem to think that they should control everything around them. Truth be told, Historians, in reality, aren't always simply recorders of history, but often are those who create history...


As they say, history is written by the victors. Or, one might say, the survivors. What did Silco say? "What is truth, but a survivor's story?"

Cosmic Pillar

Hey Arioch, wasn't there another Soia species running around that went extinct? Can you go over any information you can on them?


The two that I have made notes about are the Mozeret and Tagid. The Mozeret inhabited Deinar. They were roughly centauroid in appearance with slender limbs and an elongated head. Relic artwork depicts them as having jet-black skin. There are Mozeret remains in the urban centers among various other species, but also large burial mounds out in rural areas. It's not clear whether this was part of Mozeret culture or something created by the Loroi ancestors who succeeded them (Loroi myth claims the latter). Less is known about the Tagid, known only from their remains mixed in among those of other cultures. They were stout and dragging a long thick tail. They are thought to have been facultative bipeds, able to walk or sprint on two legs but more often walking with the assistance of their forelimbs.


P226- Why would anyone aim for the massive, armored part of the body when a better target is the "face" with those big eyes?

Cosmic Pillar

Hey Arioch can you write a bit about what kind of weapons, armor and equipment that the Loroi used during their equivalent of the Bronze, Iron and steel ages? Did you have any notes on that?


Unless you're a sniper or some kind of special marksman, they normally train you to aim for the center of mass because it's the easiest target. It's not trivial to hit a moving target, and the hardtrooper is moving fast. Alex fired two shots, and he missed the first one.


I wrote about three paragraphs and lost it because I hit Escape once by accident. I'm not gonna type that out again right now, sorry. This is a terrible format for long-form answers. 😢

Cosmic Pillar

Drat, that sucks sry. I sometimes read the forums, can you post it there some day? No rush if ur busy.


That makes sense, but he could still fire another shot if he can reach his weapon in time. (Hit the monster where it will hurt, Alex!)