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It's good to be posting pages again. Thanks so much for your support!




She is so jealous.


Awesome! Always excited for the next page. :) As usual, the artistry is fantastic. It's interesting to consider how a telepathic race considers physical interaction, such as a handshake. I don't know that many other science fiction authors have really integrated that thought process, and I'm curious where it goes.


Great page!

Shane Wegner

I need more of this sci fi in my life, so am glad to see pages picking up too.


I think our white haired traveling companion is a bit jealous


I had a theory about our ladies and the whole touching thing that I always was curious about


Yeah, you've got that something I think you'll understand When I say that something (we're both pilots) I wanna hold your hand (again)

Olivier GRAVES

Welcome back ! Chance this is a formal greeting, not a full hugging… Maybe he keeps it for Beryl next time.

George Martins

excellent art. keep up the great work!