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(makes hedgehog noises)




Man, she sat right on his keys.

Darth Biomech

Yeah, Alex. You should grab... something... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Hehe! lovely... hold onto something{one} indeed! :) Nice timing Arioch you're SUCH a naughty Tease... but it's so appropriate for the story not forced at all ~ great writing! I love the slow build to romance...hard to script well in writing... WELL DONE! I guess Beryl will get a "first-hand{lap}" 'observation' on how warm... human touch really is~ {snicker!}


The thought going through Alex's head, "Wtf am I supposed to do with my hands now?!"


Be Gentle and Polite I'd expect. But his expression and mannerism are so endearing.. he's trying to be a gentleman.. but is realizing he WILL have to hold her firmly least she fall and actually be potentially hurt by the added Delta-V. He's mostly trying to judge from the look in his eyes how best not to offend the lovely elf woman who is VERY shortly about to be in his arms! hehe!


See, on the one hand, everyone wants to see UST pay off in a big way; but, on the other hand, that would mean no longer getting these lovely little awkward moments...


The seatbelt for example. Grabbing the seatbelt would be a good idea about now. If this is to be a sustained multi-G burn, the are probably rules about staying in the first safe place you find, irrespective of how comfortable it is.

markus baur

hedgehog noises? you mean imitating a little steam loco while doing the nasty in the shrubbery?

Anthony Docimo

she listens to orders very very well, yes she does :) fantastic work!

Anthony Docimo

though I imagine Alex is thinking "just not spear fishing...right?" :)


awkward boner scene coming up? "Is that stiffening i feel a adapation to withstand g forces?"


Burn Burn Burn!. will alex's willpower last longer then the burntime. Or will our Listel have more questions about the human male/female ratio and it's taboo's..


Alex, you're a lucky man.


(makes hedgehog noises)?<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD9pF5wNhxw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VD9pF5wNhxw</a>


Well... I don't think Beryl will not get the connection, as Arioch has explained ~ a typical Loroi male would be expected to have a similar reaction. What Beryl may find fascinating is that a human male can clearly be aroused by close contact to a Loroi female! To add to that what she knows of Captain Jardin will likely flatter her immensely to know that HE finds her sexually arousing at least involuntarily... despite the fact Loroi and human genetics are incompatible for mating ~ evidently...they are close enough species-wise to react to each races natural pheromone responses to be at least sexually aroused by each other!

Olivier GRAVES

I said something, not someone...