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Will you?



Steely Snark

I always knew Beryl was a hussy! It's always the quiet ones who try and trick you into thinking they are innocent when they are anything but. Touching bare handed? What a total slut :P

Perrin Rynning

Subtle attempts may succeed where blatancy has failed. Human military doctrine has proved this many times over our history. The question now becomes, what could be available within Humanity that has been sealed behind the 'screening'?


Thank goodness, I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms.


Awww yis! I wish to engage in hand touching rituals with Beryl! ;___;


Wait until the Loroi find out that humans find them...physically attractive and WANT to touch them! :)


Blue girls. <3


I think it might be a good idea to ask Fireblade about side effects beforehand. You probably don't want to find out that it causes human or loroi to go into convulsions or start mindlessly screaming while sitting like that or while the shuttle is manoeuvring.


I'd be more concerned about ending up like the Golim, if I knew about such things.


Well, this is positively bleak. Apparently Beryl has effectively accepted that they won't survive the day, as this conversation sounds very much like a Listel version of, "I don't want to die without ever having done *blank*!" Stop it with them negative waves, Beryl!


What is Alex talking about regarding Beryl impressing him? I don't follow it from earlier pages or panels.


Pa'nar Syndrome



Jeff Freeman

Handholding is unacceptably lewd.



Anthony Docimo

yesyesyes yes yes yes! (and someone in-comic loudly thinks GET A ROOM) :) and he thinks "wait, i'm here and I'm not here, to you?"

Michael Pettersson

Fireblade hit Alex with a rather rude telekinetic push to avoid direct contact. Beryl does not have that option an actually seem to be enjoying herself. I just noticed that Beryl have been sitting in Alex lap since page 126 and that she choose to remain there before they knew that they are actually in danger. She REALLY got to enjoy it. 😁

Shane Wegner

I wonder if it holding her hand will be really strong or weak? Are humans just extra dumb at telepathy- or we have some strength but we unconsciously turn it into shielding ourselves since people tend to lash out at each other emotionally (at least as kids)? Like maybe people permanently have a "guard" telepathically which it would take effort to lower. I GUESS WE'LL FIND OUT.

Olivier GRAVES

Alternating dramatic and comedic, way to go Arioch !