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For Science!



Jay Kominek

need more science.

Jeff Freeman

Too lewd! I thought this was a family friendly comic!!! :D

Jeff Freeman

Also, this is where we find out that humans can only telepathically bond with their soulmate~


That awkward period with your new girlfriend when you can't stop thinking about your ex...

Earl Tower

Our poor hero is going to find out that those space elf ladies go in for harem arrangements I fear. And his poor human sensibilities are going to be shocked. Shocked I tell ye.


I so can't wait to hear what the redhead has to say will this one on his lap be jealous


"Torpedo launch detected!"


HA! Guys can't resist the charms of lovely redheads!

Anthony Docimo

so, limited detecting ability is peripheral - can't sense whats right in front of him. :D super work!


Can't wait to hear the explanation for this one!


Launch detected IN MY PANTS


So is he imagining that (or rather is his brain making it up) or is human 'telepathic transparency' something that can be overcome with exposure, or skill/adjustment of the contact?

Perrin Rynning

Might be more a "resonant frequency" thing. Our hero has some element to his mind or genetics that leaves a gap in the "shield" where Fireblade is concerned. What this means is an entirely different question...