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markus baur

"this shuttle does not fly from the rear seat .." 8) .. snark ..


Are they talking to each other out loud out of reflex? (Ie. Pilots talk over comms usually?)


Could be the station Elf is in on the conversation (most probable). Or maybe the helmets is interfering (likely not, though)

Michael Pettersson

Normally they should't be able talk at all with those helmets on due to the presence of a liquid breathing medium but I assume that the Highlander does not come with a supply of that so they fly dry this time.


I think pilots would be conditioned to call out status reports verbally, partly to have the information on record, and partly because a lot of the communication is going out over radio. They aren't using a liquid breathing medium aboard the shuttle because there's no need; the shuttle has inertial dampers, and the max acceleration is only about 20 G's anyway.