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Please remember to clean your beimish with a strong disinfectant, and be sure to lock it securely in its cage at night, or you may wake up with larvae in your soft tissues.



Anthony Docimo

on one hand, I'm upset Alex jumped to asking Beryl for (possibly sailing) stories of her youth...on the other hand, I'm looking forwards to seeing what Fire-Blade has to say (other than silently glaring at Alex - possibly while sending a mental image or feeling that makes everyone else back up a step. great work on the art and text

Jonathan Werts

Hmmm, Alex continues his tradition of poking back at Fireblade, even after hearing that she doesn't speak. Fascinating.

Morgan Olson

Fireblade: "No." Insert terrified look of Alex, then 'The End.'

Jeff Freeman

And all the others fall silent, because they know exactly where Fireblade is from.

Michael Pettersson

Alex direct his question about Fireblade to Reed, that is a bit insulting actually since Fireblade are right there. Sure she isn't talkative herself so someone else would answer for her but he really should direct his question directly to Fireblade. Shame on you there Alex.

Michael Pettersson

Oops, misread it... Ok then. And now it's coloured, it wasn't recently.


So, Alex *really* wants to die?

Morgan Olson

That's what I keep thinking whenever he teases her to say something!


Wooo taking a risk trying to get Red to talk! But overall pretty much all these girls have pretty sad stories. Multi generational war sucks!


Alex while I appreciate your tenacity (who doesn’t like redheads?) I sincerely doubt she’s playing hard to get. So unless you wanna wear your man-bits as a bow tie I’m advising you to give her space. Like, a lot of space.