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Wouldn't it be hilarious if this was the last page of the update? :D



Anthony Docimo

sure it would, absolutely. would it be hilarious if, immune to Loroi minds, he found himself able to commune with the minds of their insectile enemy?

Shane Wegner

A few "feet" in front of me? What kind of ass-backwards, early 2000 imperial freedom units is he thinking in?! 😂


Heh... fair point. I think that things like "feet" and "paces" will always be universal human conversational references, but there's no need to confuse the reader.


If the Umiak turned out to be telepathic, that would be a very curious thing indeed.

Anthony Docimo

maybe the Loroi considered them nontelepathic because, like humans, their minds didn't mesh well with Loroi telepathy? *shrugs* just a thought

Anthony Docimo

careful...we don't want Arioch to replace these translations with the unfamiliar untranslated units used by future humans or by Loroi. (nearly typed "by future brazilians"...i have this half-remembered memory of a brazilian name in the story)

Shane Wegner

As someone who spent more than an hour looking over fictional spaceship specs, I probably DO want entire constructed measurement systems (like solon). Except that effort is probably even more fun spent on story than universe development. I'm sure the auto-translator just did a general translation of distance like "footsteps", or even looked up my temporal and geographic coordinates and concluded that American measurements would be most appropriate for the target audience.


Well, in this case Alex as narrator is relaying his own experiences, so there isn't a translation issue.


Its starting to get weird

Olivier GRAVES

At least, he is on the ground.

Shane Wegner

::types notes on datapad:: Hmm, interesting, I often just felt (without any particular proof) that he was dictating into a datapad or maybe even relaying his story back via Librarian apps. And/or, if he's speaking Trade, I myself would need some translation app to understand his story. Then again, if English survived a few more centuries, I suppose I could hear his story verbatim straight from him.

Classical Salamander (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-30 08:30:28 It ah... it would *not* in fact be hilarious... I might even go so far as to say it'd be downright tragical. Still, you do amazing work, and every single page is worth waiting for! <3
2020-07-02 07:01:01 It ah... it would *not* in fact be hilarious... I might even go so far as to say it'd be downright tragical. Still, you do amazing work, and every single page is worth waiting for! <3

It ah... it would *not* in fact be hilarious... I might even go so far as to say it'd be downright tragical. Still, you do amazing work, and every single page is worth waiting for! <3