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Jonathan Werts

Oh, of *course* they would have terrifying battle armor/mechanical exoskeletons. Scary stuff being on that occupied planet.


Oh man, things are getting grimmer with every page. I feel really bad for Alex right now.


10/10 shiny bois

Anthony Docimo

"NO! No, this is MY dream - go back to your B movie!"

Michael Pettersson

Those hardtroopers are more cybered up the general Grevious! Those tattoos those loroi have at their forheads worries me. Are they treating their civilians as slaves? It is of course possible that they have escaped from an Umiak run concentration camp.

Classical Salamander

Oh man... that can't be good! Super cute bald tattooed elf girls though... shame they're a long-dead memory of past horrors dredged up from somebody's subconscious repressed memories.

Michael Pettersson

The script that is used for that forehead tattoo reminds me of the Inca people's knot script, while that isn't really writing, just a knots on a string based way to store information it could have evolved into an alphabet.


so Umiak killing Lori enslaved by Umiak, executing captives, maybe? But strangely in a battle-zone, slave uprising, maybe?

Michael Pettersson

An uprising doomed to failiure. If the locals can make any meaningful resistance the answer is typically orbital bombardment. The amount of skeletons on the ground and the ruins hints that this have already happened at the start of the occupation. What is left are put in camps and as we see, mercilessly hunted down if they try to flee. Not that there are anywhere to go on an occupied planet and satellite based sensors should quickly pick up the body heat of recistance groups. The elaborate underground bases we see glimpses of in the Terminator movies would quickly be found and dealt with. I guess the best chance of survival is to live in tiny groups not causing trouble enough for the enemy to care.

Steely Snark

At some point in the occupation of that world, I believe the situation devolved into a full on racial cleansing.