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And so, Chapter 3 will begin with page 200. How ominous is that? :D

Sorry that I have been slow to post the finished pages to the website. I'll finish page 190 before I take on the Chapter 3 cover and page 200; 190 should be up this Monday.

Thanks as always for your generous support!



Ronald Homer

huh. So first big question will probably be, "Can Fireblade take them?" Followed by "Are the Umiak going to let the shuttle dock, to the point where it can't be threatened by ship-to-ship weapons anymore?"


Duh duh duuuuuhhhh.

Michael Pettersson

I notice that Spiral and Talon use verbal communication inbetween each other. I assume that they do this not only for Alex benefit but also bit to tease him. Anyway I see no way that fleet of Hierarchy vessels can miss them and the circular "spotlight" on them are probably there to drive that home. A tiny force could choose to drive past not bothering to let the find deter them from their goal but this force is large enough to let one or two ships peel of to investigate.

Michael Pettersson

In this conflict boarding operations tend to end with a loosing defender hitting the self destruct.


The ONE and ONLY thing I do not like about this webcomic, is how long there is in between updates. Otherwise, literally everything about it is utterly amazing!

Zac The Lizard

Well, I think it's safe to things went from bad, to utterly horrible.

Jeff Freeman

The fact that the audience needs to see the communication too is no doubt a significant part of it. I don't think Arioch has shown us telepathy at any point. It will be interesting to see if he changes that in the future.


Well... This is a whole new level of suck...


Well. Things are about to get ugly.

Kclcmdr Kai

Perhaps this 200th will have some boarding actions or mayhaps Repeal Enemy Boarders...

Shane Wegner

I wondered when the Umiak were going to notice and investigate the “derelict”. Welp, I guess it’s torture and execution for our heroes! Maybe the other side will seem more reasonable somehow.


This will be interesting. I may as well nitpick this before some other neurotic does: would the Loroi really use the phrase "graveyard" in a figure of speech? Aren't they shy about revealing where they stash their dead? Wouldn't they say something like "biscuit crematorium" instead? Actually, never mind. Biscuit graveyard just sounds better.

Michael Pettersson

It is literary a one man production team and since there are too few Patreons he need a day job as well.

Shane Wegner

In this case, I think, um, Talon is implying that Spiral(?) has a big, big mouth that is like a door to a tomb where many, many tasty biscuits go to meet their final rest. Because she scarfs down so many biscuits, and we can clearly see they are still living in her belly (and have not been “burned off” via exercise or whatever.) How they actually process their dead has little to do with the figure of speech about the lingering doom of so many, many innocent biscuits. And even if the Loroi don’t use graveyards (I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s some form of organ donation, recycling and composting, when they can even recover bodies in space combat), they’re using Trade Language and surely at least one race has a word for the concept of graveyard.

Brian C

"Biscuit Graveyard" could mean "Big Mouth." "It could also be the "final destination" of biscuits. The toilet....


That's a Command Cruiser, innit?


It's classified as a type-KT strike cruiser, but it's really more of a hybrid KT/KS cruiser.


What can possibly justify boarding shuttle that potentially contains extremely dangerous PK users instead of blasting it with plasma focus? Only knowledge of something important inside. Bucket sold all of them to the shells.


what if the Umiak are not in control of that particular ship. The Historian did say help was coming soon.


So if the Loroi match their reputation, this should be the point they kill Alex in order to deny a strategic asset to the enemy. So assuming they don't (so the story can happen!) I'm guessing the Umiak aren't going to match their reputation either. That or Ash is going to pull/be instructed to pull some diplomatic fuckery to stop them from being executed.

Classical Salamander

Ooh... ominous indeed! :D I look forward to the webpage update. :)


They should disappear the whole bunch, contamination could run deep.