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Say, that's not very hospitable. But at least it's contact-free shoving.

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Adam Safran

Rather creative combat use of telekinetics. Now they just have to deal with the next 300 or so of the boarding party..

Zac The Lizard

It was at this moment, the boarding party realized, they fucked up.


Looks kinda like Fireblade drew it into the shuttle ahead of its planned entry.

Michael Pettersson

Just like in the olden days. Invite your enemies to a party and murder them when they arrive. I read an collection of viking sagas that used variations of this principle in several of the stories. And at least one swedish king did the same thing to get rid of some pesky nobles. In this case thou, there is still an enemy ship on the outside and unless they defeat the entire crew of that ship then chances are that they are going to unduck and destroy the shuttle from a distance. And in the off chance that they should manage that there are still an entire fleet that would not hesitate to missile spam a captured vessel. Maybe this is about fooling the Umiak into beliving that the shuttle is empty. Sadly a simple IR scan will clearly show living bodies inside. We already have the technology to do that.

Michael Pettersson

Like the old game syndicate where you could stay around a corner with a flamethrower ready to burn entire enemy teams showing up. Yes, the computer where not very smart.


Is she using hand gestures to help aim the PK attack or am i missreading something?


Having a telepathic and telekinetic race in a comic might mean static images of a person doing nothing in particular, I thought it best to make the Loroi an emphatic and physical people, and so they gesticulate when communicating or when using their psi abilities. It doesn't offer any particular advantage, but it's something that they do (so you know what they are doing).

Valdis Trautmanis

I don't get it - what exactly did Fireblade do? Pull the bug into the cabin, made it trip, or "fall" towards the opposite wall? But regardless - anyone else thinks the next thing coming through the hatch will be a grenade, since the bugs now know for sure someone is in there?


Yeah not super clear.... looks to me like she slammed the narrow part of the bug into the edge of the wall. Or she is still pulling it faster into the room, maybe to trap it in the aforementioned vestibule. Action comic pages tend to take a lot of space graphically we'll have to wait and see.

Dustin S.

I think the only "reasonable" assumption (...okay, one of many possible assumptions :P ) is that they are manipulating the shell's "touch" (Fireblade: "Look, that's a wall") and "sight" (Tempo) so that they explore other parts of the ship...and find Cloud. Bingo, they found the "life signature", captured/killed it, and leave the vessel... I liked Cloud. :(

James Harris

I like the robot-bug shadow cast on the wall in panel 1. Very ominous and dramatic. 😁


Wait a minute... didn't Cloud on page 202... just enter the open hatch door that the Umiak trooper is entering from? Did they 'see' her or capture her already? There was no sound of gunfire? Where did she go? The Drone could not have missed her presence.. unless Tempo is doing some illusory shenanigans...


Oh NO! That's really... saddening. I would hope humans would not be so ...flippant about sending someone to certain death. Alex will probably be appalled at how they just sent poor Cloud to be slaughtered so mercilessly! I know I would be...! There will be a rather messy corpse in the airlock, not looking forward to seeing drifting blue blood in the zero-G. Poor Cloud.


You had better get the next couple pages out before I die of the suspense...


In hindsight an obvious question should have been is she shoving on the armour to move it, or the bug inside the armour to move the armour? Latter probably isn't as load bearing as the former.


Well, if you want to make object X move distance Y then it doesn't matter much which part you grab hold of. Fireblade could easily have killed all of the Umiak boarders... but then the mothership would know that the shuttle was occupied by Teidar and/or Mizol, and the Umiak are smart enough to know that's a fight they can't win. So unleashing the Unsheathed at this point would not be a useful strategy.


The Umiak would never believe that a shuttle of this size would be unmanned. So there are two options: 1) everybody dies, or 2) Cloud dies and the rest have a fighting chance at carrying out the deception. I don't think there's anything "flippant" about it.