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Thanks as always for your support!




I hope Alex's efforts in personal battle and effectively commanding the ship battle against the Umiak... gains him some better regard by the very lovely 'Fireblade'. Just noticed something the one caste not represented in the current group of character IS the Torrai...which Alex is putting on a very good showing for!!!


Just wanted to say, catching up after a few years (yeah) your series still rocks. Love it.


From half-dead puppy fished aboard a ship of the line into the Lawrence of Arabia of the 22nd century.


How do you create your space backgrounds?


There's a procedure to create the starfield in Photoshop, and then the nebulosity is painted with the airbrush tool. The tutorial I got the process from is no longer online, but here's an offline saved version: https://well-of-souls.com/temp/artofgregmartin_com_starfield_tutorial.mht (I think you have to "save target" and then open the saved file for it to work.)