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Looks bad, but I've read stories of people surviving a severed jugular by plugging it with a thumb until they got to a hospital. Tempo still has a chance...

Ronald Homer

her best shot is probably some sort of tele-kinetic straw to replace the lost conduit for bloodflow. Maybe Fireblade can help with that?

Michael Pettersson

Even if they manage to patch up Tempo she still be out for a while. In any case, since this escort mission was originally meant to be under command of Beryl it is likely she is back as boss now.

Classical Salamander

...in a human, that amount of blood would indicate an arterial strike, but maybe Loroi have higher-pressure veins? A cut jugular is *barely* survivable given really good, really fast emergency surgery... people surviving their carotid artery being severed (for longer than than 60 seconds) is probably in the single digits.


..Maybe the lower gravity common on Umiak ships is messing with our perception?


This is going to look spectacular in color...