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Hmm... look like Arioch is trying a 'slightly' different art style to Beryl's face on this page? Not a criticism.. just an observation.

Shane Wegner

Been playing a lot of Terra Invicta this week. We had some ships that accelerated at 15 milligees, which still puts all the inner planets and Jupiter into semi reasonable timeframes. Then we got some 40 milligee engines, which felt positively zippy. We made a major leap to a 2g acceleration engine, which I'm pretty sure is the best in the game. The whole solar system is within reach with that. _27_ gs might as well be warp drive compared to that, pretty sure solar sytems become a few hours wide at that acceleration.


I’m not sure but in the top panel, last speech bubble I think you forgot the word “at” between torpedos and them. Also wonderful comic, been enjoying for a long time, keep up the good work


Also panel 3: "hesitate (to) expose..."


30 gee is extremely fast, but it still takes some time to get anywhere. In our solar system the jump points are at about Jupiter distance (~5 AU). If you were stationary (relative to the Sun) at Jupiter and accelerated at 30 gee it would take 20 hours to reach the Sun. If you did a turnaround at the Sun and then decelerated at the same rate, you'd come to a stop at the opposite end of Jupiter's orbit 20 hours later. So, the better part of two days to cross from jump point to jump point. But yes, that is insanely fast. If you're limited to even 1 or 2 gees, it takes weeks or months to transit one system. (The travel times in recent chapters of Outsider have been a lot less than that because the solar system sizes are much smaller.)