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We have reserves. Just not a LOT of reserves.

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i, for one, welcome the new year's continuation of our heroes' "pucker factor" 😂


Perhaps jettisoning a selection of torpedoes set to proximity fuse some at the Jump point in-system and some at the arrival jump point in DD Tisados? A make-shift mine field will not stop but may slow the enemy breakthrough?

Classical Salamander

The age old problem of "Risk", how to balance the front line vs the interior... but do they have a good set of cards?


Well ~ 'THOSE KTKh-Fast Cruiser 'Pillboxes of Death' running rogue in the back of his fleet formation! That's some real SCREW you up the Tailpipe pain ~ in that damned near 30G, 4 Medium Range Plasma Focus, 60 torpedo payload {Nothing else that heavily armed than a TT-Superheavy} death dealer!' ...I'd say they have some 'options' for mayhem very much available... if they get the opportunity to utilize them.

Classical Salamander

That *is* a pretty good set of cards! I was not fully aware of the specs on those. That's a paddlin', and no mistake.


Unfortunately, when you jettison something into space it doesn't stay where you jettisoned it, but rather continues along with you at the same velocity.


Eh... this is True. Stopping to properly mine the jump point is far too time consuming while the Umiak are seeking fire solutions ~ especially when a specific delta-V is required to enter the jump point anyways. Not practical...


Hmm... only considered this in passing but.. I wonder if the Umiak targeting navigation of their missiles is a fire and forget {ie once the missile is launched does the missile's onboard avionics target acquisition software and sensor hardware navigate and deliver payload to target}, or is it ship to missile communication constant update that navigates missile to target? As they have to reset IFF codes for each missile I'd assume the former... but my point is ... might 'Walker' be able to hack those missiles in flight and designate new targets?


Well, since torpedoes do have their own drives i'd say you "park" them at the given position. We all knew how good that worked in the Expanse. :D


There IS a couple other possibilities. If they were to open communications with the current Umiak fleet say to falsely transmit a surrender... 'Walker' might be able to infiltrate and copy itself into the central computers of ALL the ships accepting the communications link. Additionally the fleet already through the jump point will know nothing of Fast Attack Cruiser KTKh-3263827's rogue status.

Cosmic Pillar

Hey Arioch? Does Humanity have space fighters, bombers, assault shuttles, heavy fighters, that sort of thing?


Not in any numbers. There are some small unmanned drones used as mobile point defense for space stations.