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  • Bonus_Pod_-_Star_Wars_Ou... - audiogram.mp4
  • Bonus_Pod_-_Star_Wars_Ou... - audiogram.mp4



This week on Bonus Pod, guest host Kyle Hilliard recruits Ross "The Star Wars Guy" Pfund to the resistance, fighting back against the evil forces that believe Star Wars Outlaws to be "mid." They then work on building a list of the five best Star Wars games of all time!

Here’s a link to the video version of this episode!

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Charlie Swan

Excited for this one! I’ve been considering returning to Outlaws after the few updates its received


Great chat. I forgot the names but the game Ross said (Tie Fighter or X-Wing ish?) inspired other Star Wars content to have it's characters pilot the same using the same commands ("pressing the S key") is SO SICK! What a wild idea and cool way to immerse yourself and understand what they're doing at the controls.


I have vivid memories of a Twisted Metal type Star Wars game my brother and I used to rent all the time. I never figured out what game it was but I swear it exists.


So frustrating that Kyle still hasn’t watched Andor OR the new Planet of the Apes movies! Cmon Ben, try harder!

The Memory Card

My top 5 is 5. Episode 1 Racer 4. Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader 3. Battlefront 2 (original) 2. Kotor 2 1. Kotor