Submit Your Final Thoughts On Alan Wake 2 For The Deepest Dive (Patreon)
We're close to getting out of the dark place, we just need you to type one more thing: Your final thoughts on Alan Wake 2 for The Deepest Dive! We're collecting your comments on the final third of the game, so everything from both characters' Chapter 7s through to the ending. We'll stop collecting comments on Monday afternoon.
We're collecting your comments in a shared Google Doc. Do not submit a comment over 600 characters, you have our permission to delete any comments in the doc over 600 characters. Check out the different categories in the Doc and try to put your comment in the right place. Be sure to submit your name as well.
Here's where you enter your comment on the final third of Alan Wake 2, from Chapter 7s through to the ending -
As always, please get specific as possible with your single comment. Submit a comment about your moment, upgrade, poster, line of dialogue, whatever you like. The more specific you are, the higher the odds that we'll read your comment on the show.
We're streaming the final discussion for The Deepest Dive on Tuesday at 3pm Central on Twitch, then it'll be up on YouTube and the bonus podcast feed on Wednesday.
As always, thanks for supporting a unique game club discussion like The Deepest Dive here on Patreon. We couldn't do it without you!