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Good morning! The video is ready :)

I don't know if the real Land Rover at the beginning of the video is really old and restored, but it looks badass!


Land Rover


Christopher Obarski

Seems like the Modelling Gods guide you to find inspiration. I mean it was in your stash and then you saw it in 1:1!? 🤯 Coincidence? 😁

Paul Garrity

Some really cool effects on this. Really like the faded aluminium and grime build up. Seen plenty of Land Rovers out in the sticks looking exactly like this

Tomek Rojek

I'm sexy and I tow it😂😂😂


Next tiny car project should be a Willys MB(Jeep)😁


Lol, the bloopers are great 😁 And so is the model!

Cliff Leverette

When you talk about small details I have adopted the view that I should work on unseen things as I would the seen details BECAUSE it helps me sharpen my overall skills. As you know from my models which are lighted from the inside (taking care to put the lights where the real vehicle has them) I do a lot of detailing where it can't be seen and that is because it helps me put the details which will be seen in the correct place.

Chris Mocko

Brilliant can’t wait to see it in the final diorama 👍

Rob Teubert

Awesome video, Thanks again!!!


We have plenty of old Soviet trucks and off-road cars looking like this as well. Land Rovers are extremely rare here!