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My friends, here are a couple of figures I painted with my girlfriend last weekend. It took us two evenings, and it was really fun! Of course, this was all done off-camera. Just some quality time at the workbench.

This has all started when I got rid of my old Anycubic Photon Mono SE and bought the brand-spanking-new Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra. I bought it as another, better tool for what I do - printing diorama accessories and details for models. But as you can imagine, the new printer is more than capable... and it can print beautiful miniatures!

My girlfriend wanted to paint a small mushroom, so I printed her one, and I bought a pair of mushroom children from Dark Souls.

The painting process was really fun, and with these larger figures, you're sort of pushed to try different painting approaches. Employ the airbrush more often, use some enamel or oil washes, etc. Again, really fun!

We were really happy with the results, so I decided to quickly make bases for our miniatures. Here I must say that my partner managed to beat me at my own game because she painted better static grass than me.. on her first try! Also, the wooden sign made from plastic, and painted with oils and washes is her own creation... my only contribution was verbal.

I think it's time to make another, updated 3D printing post because the technologies have progressed drastically.

But my question is... since there are so many incredible 3D files of various fantasy and sci-fi figures, would you be interested in a video like this every once in a while? Pyramid Head from Silent Hill, Power Armor from Fallout, or Isaac Clarke from Dead Space, to name a few that I've bookmarked. Let me know!




Sure. Side projects are neat.


Fun! Fun? There is no “fun” in scale modeling…. 😎

Serhii Mezhuiev

Dark Souls flashbacks intensifies)))

Dave Crees

Why not could be interesting especially if you go from finding the STL and how you go about printing etc


This is so cute! Beautifully done.

Kevin SKB118

They look great! Fun, fun, fun. Yes please… I’m keen to see wherever your artistic talents take you. 3-D printing isn’t something I’ve ventured into (yet) so I’m keen to see what you create or build using it.

Robert Hallack

Absolutely yes. We all need a break from OD, OB4 or dunkelgelb. It helps to keep the creative juices flowing.

Andy Rowe

Nice figures. Definitely interested in the 3D Printing.

Chris Mocko

It’s great to find a girlfriend that’s also into your passion and you can share together, 👍

Den Howlett

Be careful. Your GF will want to share Patreon revenues. :-)

Gareth Piper

These mush dudes hit the hardest in all souls!

Anton Ahmetaj

Do something Halo related!

Paul Garrity

Being exclusively an armour modeller, I never ever in a million years thought I would look at three mushrooms and say kewl shrooms man. Interesting and fun.


I'd be interested in videos or projects of fantasy/sci-fi related things. I think it would be a good idea for multiple reasons- it will engage more viewers (and a more diverse viewer base), it will give you the opportunity to broaden your skills, and maybe most importantly, it will offer you something "fresh" to do and avoid fatigue from doing the same basic things over and over again. Such as with your recent foray into building facades. Of course all your subscribers and supporters love military models and will want to continue to see such things, but diversity is a good thing. Finally, I think it would be a good way bring the two camps of "military modelers" and "fantasy/sci-fi modelers" together. Both camps have their own techniques (judging from YouTube videos) that I think could be useful for each to know. E.g., so many fantasy/sci-fi projects could really benefit from military model weathering techniques, and military figures could benefit from miniature figure painting techniques. Anyway, my two cents. I'm sure you'll keep up the awesome work no matter what you're building!

Lubbo Hornak

Záhorácke huby 😜 paráda

Quintin Paparella

Pretty awesome dude! Would love to see Master chief from halo 3!

Chris Braille-Scale

How cool! I love this kind of thing. Great to see you and your girlfriend getting some hobby time together. They turned out great! And seeing more 3D printed stuff with the modern printers would be great. Love all the options, the Dead Space print sounds epic, but Fallout and Silent Hill are also classics. Most importantly, glad to hear you've got some free time for fun projects like this with loved ones ♥️

Bob Yack

Absolutely I would as well. I have the same printer and LOVE IT. Get through the little trials and man can that thing print details. Especially the choice of resin. What a great idea and yes I am all for it !!!

Mad Genius Productions

100% interested in seeing things like this, especially in your style. I truly believe that it is so beneficial to try other genres and it's always really interesting to see an armor style blend into figures or a car or an aircraft. So much to be learned in doing this. Now the big question and bonus points...were you listening to Infected Mushroom while painting these haha.


"old anycubic mono se" Great, now I feel the need to upgrade my 3d printer 😁 It's really nice that you have a girlfriend who takes an interest in your hobby like that. just looking at the pictures, I couldn't tell whose model was whose, so you're both talented!

Paul Adams

So cute!! 😍

Pierre G Salazar

Yes it would be great to see you paint sci fi subjects!


All of the above subjects sounds good to me. Ive been 3d printing for my models for a few years now and yes its amazing how much the tech has improved.

mike garcia

Nice work there Uncle. To your question, yes. I think it would be very interesting to see different subjects from time to time. New subject matter can open idesa and techniques. Seeing how armor skills on ships and robots work out. Or, how something from an aircraft or trains can benefit you in armor modeling. The occasional odd project would be nice to see, just as the Machinen Krieger did. ( I don't know if I spelled that right ) Anyway, thanks for sharing.

Alexandre Favre

Yes, sure!! It is so refreshing to explore new topics :-)

Tim Malinowski

Awesome, they are so cute!

Jay G

Great figures!!! To your question.....yes it would be a great addition. I too bought a 3d printer for my armor modeling but I quickly found interest in printing figures as that's one of my weaknesses is finishing figures for dioramas'. What better way than to print several figures to practice on and the only cost is a few cents of resin and time. If it goes south you can toss the figure and start over. Your models are inspiring to all and I believe you adding the fantasy figure finishing to your line up would be awesome!!!!! Your work is so inspiring


Looking at purchasing a 3D printer at some point here in the near future. At the research stage so curious approximately how long does one of the new machines take to print off a 1/35 scale figure?


I see I may need to alter my screen name lol.

Dr. Fred Hess

Right up there along with your Easter eggs. Tried it myself & turned out well but still not eggcelent as yours :)

Enigma Models

That is great brother. I would welcome any project you do. I get my fantasy downloads from MyMiniFactory. Some great stuff there.

Bill Moore

yo uncle. I’ve been a member of your Patreon for years now I just looked. I’ve got two Bill Moore on your page. That’s too funny. Anyway that’s fine. I don’t mind I give twice a twice cause I enjoy your work so much. Lastly, every time I apply my VMS it’s like real thick. Do you dilute it when you use it?


Hey Bill, thanks! Sometimes I add a few drops of VMS acrylic thinner when I'm spraying an entire model. For quick localised varnishing, I don't bother. I just blast the undiluted goop from the bottle, it atomizes nicely.


The large shroom lad is 8cm tall and the whole print took 8 hours to finish. But that's printing at 0.02mm height. What I found out with this printer, when you're looking for nice prints, speed stops being a concern.


Lool, you have a good taste in music! Gotta admit, I haven't listened to Infected Mushroom for years. The last album I heard was Army of Mushrooms.