This Zimm ain't no time-saver! (Patreon)
My friends, the Zimmerit is finally in place, and I gotta say something about it. For someone who doesn't feel like sculpting their own Zimmerit - it's a great choice. The detail is crisp and the texture is beautiful! But the amount of time you'll spend matching the individual sheets, trimming them to fit perfectly, thinning the sides so it looks more in-scale... well, by the time it was done, I would've finished my own Zimmerit from putty.
But the trick to make it look fully integrated into the surface is to thin the edges. Even though the sheets are extremely thin, they're still too thick IMO. If you sand or scrape away the material from the edges at an angle, it'll create a seamless transition between the armor and the Zimmerit. Of course, you'll lose a lot of detail, but it can be partially restored by scribing the lines with a razor saw. Obviously, this method won't work on the more complex Zimmerit patterns.
Not to mention you have to add the tool mounts and other details that determine the position and shape of each sheet. Some of them don't fit perfectly, but that wasn't such an issue after all :)
On a more positive note, all the plastic details are in place. I didn't spend much time with all the details on top of the hull or the turret as almost every one will be out of sight on the finished model. Now I can focus on the PE tool clamps and whatnot on the sides, and then turn my attention to the groundwork!
More progress soon! I was away from the workbench during the weekend and this task took me two days, but I'm resuming my mission tomorrow morning :)