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My friends, it's time to paint the groundwork so I can glue the tank in place and make the final adjustments and effects.

The rest of the weathering was carried out in the same fashion, a combination of brush application, blending, and speckling - sometimes with thicker, sometimes with more diluted paint.

The polished tracks were treated with the Dark Aluminum AK marker and some blended light rust tones. A fun little detail was painting the outer cleats with a brighter aluminum marker, and adding subtle rust washes on top of it. Generally I feel like shiny metallic paints create really exciting contrast with rust tones!

And now, onto the scenic base!



Bill Moore

Beautifully done Martin !!

Honza Skolnik

Wau to je naprostá dokonalost. Klobouk dolů 🤠

Chris kennedy

Absolutely awsome, my only critique i think would add a little something is scrapes and gouges on the underside of the tank where its hit rocks etc

Matthew Cragg

I was thinking that too. Maybe some light marring in the direction of travel mostly near the front. But, it looks good like it is so maybe leave it alone.


Amazing 😍 I can't wait to see how you paint those figures

Petr Maty

Moc pěkná práce a opět inspirace. Měl bych na Martina malou prosbu, bylo by možné udělat jedno video jen na téma malování figurek? Toto téma by zajímalo nejen mě, ale i více modelářů. Petr

Mad Genius Productions

Man I am loving this whole thing. I think one little subtly that I really love is you have streaking that is actually going both ways (up and down). Since you would have the operational version (right side up) and then once it flipped over you would have fluids leaking out. The fact that you recognized that is pretty amazing. I wouldn't have even thought about that...brilliant work.

Paul Garrity

If I was to imagine the underside of a tank in use, this is what I would see. Fantastic piece all round but the contrast between shiny bits and mud/dust and rust is sublime. Really really a master class in excellence