Animation - (P5R) Trio's chemistry (Patreon)
As teased previously, this animation was originally planned and rendered back in 2022, back then the concept idea was to have Kasumi try to "calm" the obscene competitiveness between Joker and Crow, this being before she got captured, but at the time she was just willing to act as a middle ground between the two when their arguments wouldn't allow them to continue to explore further into the laboratory palace.
One thing lead to another and well, other projects took over the priority list before this one even though I've been rendering it on the side as I usually do between projects, as there are many such cases of abandoned projects.
In this specific case, it didn't help one of the voice actors I had planned for one of the 3 retired. Anyway, since I only had the "action" scenes rendered, I decided to check some of it and I rescued what I believe wouldn't look so bad compared to the way I animate my content nowdays, yes I had to leave some other clips out because I would just feel embarrassed about how badly animated they are for my current standards. I guess that's a positive.
This also means there's no much of an apparent story besides this blunt description to this, no intro, no dialogue, just Kasumi getting railed by the two "walking sexual tension" specimens at the same time.
The first big release of the year hoping to be the first of many, I just wanted to give you guys something to pay you all for your patience ;_: hope you enjoy it!
I used MagicalMysticVA - OpenNSFW Sound Pack for Kasumi's voice, I worked with her before and I loved this pack personally :)
[Zip Download 1080p watermarked lighter version]
Or you can manually find this animation inside the corresponding archive folder inside the Complete Materia Animation 2024 Archive.
Folder Name: "P5R Royal Trio Chemistry"